Most number produced and most popular are two different subjects. I would
assume that the few years prior to the most produced would be the most
popular otherwise MG would not have increased production to meet demands
that fell short in previous years. My two cents worth .
In 'MGB The Illustrated History' the year with the most MGB production is
shown as 1972 with a total of 39,366 GTs and Roadsters. 1970 is second
36,106. In 1971 there were 34,554 produced (third highest).
Randy Rees
Starwave Corp. http:\\\
Systems Administrator
Owner ________________|_________________
1967 Cessna 150 G \ | _ | /
N2683J \ [[ O ]]. /
Sgt. U.S. Army NG (Wa.) /**|**\
0' 0 `0