> A discussion of recent changes in the California Emissions Inspections
> at my workplace uncovered the following address:
> http://webgarage.com/ci/smog.htm
> It clears up a few questions, but I'm still interested in hearing more
> info, particularly about whether these changes were federally
> mandated. There is a lot of misinformation circulating about the new
> Smog Check 2, and I would like to get real facts.
> Michael Lytton
> 1970 MGB
You got THAT right! And PLEASE when you get something you consider real facts,
or reasonable interpretations of the same, do share.
Ken Boetzer
My smog guru tells me there's little for most of us to be concerned about. The
changes will affect a very small number of cars. Those that are very poorly
maintained or need an engine rebuild. (Rings, valves, etc.)