From: =
Sent: Friday, August 02, 1996 7:57 AM
To: mgs%autox.team.net@MV.Unisys.COM
Subject: Re: Smog tests :don't worry, be happy
>Okay, how many people believe that politics in the USA are affected if =
dominated by people with money? (okay, okay, ....pessimistic and
generalizing but bear with me a minute.) Have you ever noticed that =
people with a great deal of money also have a large number of toys. =
you noticed that some of those toys are "collector cars". Do you think =
they will go along with the government passing laws that crunch their =
I don't think so. They will use their influence to optimize their =
of their cars. I am always pleasantly surprised at the number of =
people of
influence in the US that play with cars. Bill Gates has an exotic =
The guy that owns Blockbuster has a collection of cars. Even President
Clinton (can't stand that guy) has a '65 Mustang. It doesn't hurt to =
<as a group but I don't think I'll lose sleep over this issue.
Um, on the other hand, the People With A Great Deal Of Money generally
find ways to avoid that which affects those of us without a great deal =
money. Another thing the PWAGDOM like is to have even more money. And
if the great majority of collector cars get crushed, then their cars =
be worth all that much more. Wouldn't Bill just love to see every
Mustang in the country destroyed, except for his? Suddenly his car
would go from being worth $6,000 to $600,000.
*Philippe Tusler - Mission Viejo, CA | "MILOU" '57 MGA Roadster *
*A-Mail: <TUSLER@MP050> | "TINTIN" '66 MG/MGB-GT *
*InterNet: TUSLER@MP050.MV.unisys.com | "N/A" '88 ISUZU Trooper*
Another thing to consider- PWAGDOM don't usually do any =
actual work on their toys, don't clutter up the drive with parts =
cars,stink up the neighborhood with paint fumes, or any of the other =
things most of the people on this list are so fond of doing. And I don't =
think they are likely to waste a great deal of their time worrying about =
MG's when there are real status symbols out there.