<What can be done to make the safety level of driving a
<Midget at least bearable?
< The main point that frightens me is the solid steel
<steering wheel a few inches from the driver's face. I was
<thinking of fitting some sort of crashpad on it much like
<a typical golf cart.
< As well, is there any chance of strengthening the doors
<for side-impact protection?
Trevor, I think you worry too much. I have parted out a '74 Midget that hit
a guard rail at 45 miles per hour. The design of the front of the car
absorbs energy just like a modern car. The hood hinges hold the rear of the
hood in place, it folds in the middle. Front fenders buckle at the weld.
Steering column colapses, and is mounted with special slotted shims to
further absorb impact. The large steel steering wheel spreads the energy of
a crash across a persons chest. Midgets built from '74 on have side impact
beams welded in the doors, have secondary door latches, reinforced motor
mounts, additional structure in the trunk to protect from the rear. There
was a big scare in the auto industry about crash-worthiness of cars in 1974,
so most of the european car makers did extensive upgrading to their cars,
then most of the requirements never went into effect.
My biggest worry is that the do-good-er's who are forcing teenagers to wear
bicycle helmets are gonna see me having fun with the top down and legislate
that people in convertables must wear helmets.
David Riker-