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Value of Midget MkI wrapup

Subject: Value of Midget MkI wrapup
From: "W. R. Gibbons" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 14:43:35 -0400 (EDT)
Thanks to everyone who responded regarding the value of a rusty but fairly
original and maintained Midget Mk. I.  The consensus is that $3200 is
monumentally overpriced.  I thought as much.  Estimates ranged from $900
to $1800.  For $900 I would buy it, just because it's cute and I know how
to repair the rust (at least I would buy it if the spring boxes were still
usable).  For $1800 I would pass.  For $3200, I figure some poor sod is
probably going to come along and get took. 

I was asked by an acquaintence who regularly buys and sells lbcs to 
suggest a selling price for a bugeye he had bought.  It consisted of 
bondo, undercoating, and lots of sheet metal and rivets all covered by 
1/16th inch of the shiniest red paint you ever saw.  I told him maybe 
$2500.  I think he sold it for about twice that.  The new owner proudly 
showed me his purchase, then asked if I had a spare set of top bows.  
He'd paid $4 or $5K and a top wasn't included. 

So I wouldn't bet against this guy getting $3200, but he won't get it 
from me.

   Ray Gibbons  Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
                Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT
        (802) 656-8910

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