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Re: My obescene tube

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: My obescene tube
From: "Ad Design" <>
Date: 16 May 1996 12:55:32 +0100
With regards to the obscene tube story, Bert Otten writes:

>But I recall
>that it has some oddly shaped knob on it. When i unscrew (if that's
>possible) this knob, I suppose that the water that gathered into the
>air vent will be drained, correct?
>Why should i then put back the knob? Or put simpler, where is  knob
>The 'unsure' Bert Otten
>'67 B   

Hi folks I'm new to this mailing list. After months of reading I have
decided at last to contribute.
A GT I once owned didn't appear to have ever had its 'obscene tube'
cleared out. On peering down into the air vent I couldn't see the outlet
hole and wondered why because it was quite apparent in the manual that
there should have been one. By untwining an old coat hanger and giving the
area a good poke, I discovered the hole and the entire tube completely
filled with mud. The DPO had actually painted over the mud during the last
Not wanting to embark on a difficult task as mentioned earlier, the long
stiff wire and a power hose did the job without any trouble and saved me
the laborious task of having to remove it.


Walter Cahill.

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