In <>, Kevin
Sullivan wrote:
>Arrgh! My fuel capacitors (float bowls) are leaking. These have the two
>rubber "grommet halves" to "seal" the carb to bowl connection. I have
>replaced the rubber things. If I tighten up (ob. Archie Bell reference)
>the bolt all the way (F. Sinatra, F. Zappa) it squeezes the grommets and
>still leaks. If I loosen it a just a little bit (Aretha) it seals
>better and leaks _slower_. Should I try some kind of sealant or what?
First, are you sure that it is leaking around the double rubber
washers and not around the jet? The latter is usually the case. If
it is really leaking around the washers, check all of the surfaces for
gunge. Clean carefully with carb cleaner or acetone. Make sure that
the rubber grommets (or whatever they are) are not too old (they get
hard after a while, unlike guys). There are also some sleazy
aftermarket replacements that are not thick enough--you may be
troubled by this. You also must have a washer of the right size (outer
diameter of the grommets) under the head of the banjo bolt. In general,
these things don't need huge amounts of tightening.
If the jet is leaking (1) light some candles and pray a lot, (2) make
sure that the jet mount is dead-bang centered, that the jet seals
are reasonably new and that all of the assorted little bits (springs
and washers) are in place, in the right order. Sometimes it takes a
while for the seals to swell if the car has been stored.
If you feel like trying to use a sealant on the grommets, DO NOT use
either Hylomax blue stuff or any rubber (RTV) sealant. The gas will
eat it and you end up with peanut butter all over everything. The
only sealant that works in contact with gasoline is bad ol' Permatex
# 2.
Good luck! A. B. Bonds