>Well we're back to suppliers again. I'm game here we go:
>Special Interest Car Parts have the best interior packages in quality
>and price.
>Moss and Vic Brit are the same as far as I'm concerned so your best bet
>is comparison shopping. Do not expect any technical support help here.
>Moss can usually get it it to you faster.
>Roader Factory is best for your stock engine parts and hardware, ie.
>brackets, mounts and hoses and carry Rover parts when available.
>If you want performance parts with technical support Brit-tek
>800-255-5883 and Motorhead 800-527-3140 or e-mail motorheadx@aol.com
>are the ones to call.
>Used parts call Jim Knight of British Racing Green in Delaware
>302-368-1117 great guy and if he can't find it at his place he'll try
>his best to point you in the right direction.
>One caution stay many Kilometers away from British Miles. I've never
>met a more greedy, nasty, self proclaimed "expert" in life.
>well that's my opinion good luck, David Deutsch
I have to defend British Miles here. I have gotten several very hard to get
parts through them. And their prices are no more unreasonable than Moss or
Victoria British for the relatively common parts. They are even quite a bit
cheaper on some things, for example - speedo angle drives. What I have
found is that your customer service at British Miles varies with the person
on their end of the phone. Paul Barnes is very accomodating - and
knowlegable, and Tom, the owner, not quite as accomodating, but still fine,
and also quite knowledgeable (sp?). I don't deal with anyone else there.
Oh, and they really don't like it if you call their toll free number and are
not ordering. This I can understand, that line costs them money.
Phil Bates
67 MGB
75 Jaguar XJ12C
52 MG TD replicar (VW)