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Sputtering MGA

Subject: Sputtering MGA
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 21:23:42 EDT
-- [ From: John Rogers * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --

For a long, long time my MGA has been faithful to me and not left me
stranded anywhere (how many folks can say that about a LBC).  Recently,
after it has warmed up (and gotten me sufficiently away from the house)
it loses power, spits and sputters kind of like firing on two
cylinders.  I'll roll to a stop and give it gas and it will backfire,
etc. and then stop.  Last time it did this it was with my wife (who I
have tried to convince that driving my jewel is an excellent pastime) 
by the time I got there (thank god for cell phones),  It started right
up nice and smooth but then began coughing.  Sometimes it runs just
fine after a bout with the "creeping crud".

I am figuring a fuel problem.  I have installed an inline glass filter
in front of the carbs.  It doesn't look too bad ( a little bit of fine
rust particulate).  I have also torn down the fuel pump, cleaning out
the filter in it.  The diaphram looked just a bit aged but not cracked 
(I didn't rebuild it.. should I?).  I've also rebuilt the carbs. 
(before I had this problem).   Maybe the float needles are sticking

How can I test the output of the fuel pump.  Can you test it by timing
the filling up of a gallon gas can, etc.?  Any other magical advice
would be greatly appreciated.  I am not by any means a expert LBC
mechanic, but am certainly not afraid to dig in to  the grease and oil
either.  (actually, I kind of like the stuff).

Thanks so much,
John Rogers
'62 MGA 1600 MKII

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