I have yet to hear a negative word! I am very pleased.
To answer a few questions:
No, I didn't know that Canada had a Saloon Club. It would be
great to go "North American," but with interest coming from Denmark,
I figure we might as well just go international.
The MGA Coupe.... If we let in the MGB-GT, the MGA COupe is
more than welsome. I really would like some pre-war coupes, like the
Airline Coupes. If we eliminate the MGB-GT, we have to eliminate the
Airline Coupes, because they are like cousins. I think that this
club shoudl be open to all MGs that are not convertibels. This is
because the GT suffers from the same problem that all MG sedans do--
No respect.
If you would please send me your REAL ADDRESS, I will send you
my cover letter, etc, etc, and maybe get some sort of commitee formed,
Prez, VP, etc. I've already started work on the web site and the
newsletter. TinTops is a good name for the newsletter, or Tin Roofs,
or soemthing like that. The club I think has been named already....
MG SAloon Club.