Fellow fiends:
The fateful day during which the OD tranny will be ensconced in Old
Whitesides fast approaches! My plans have been postponed so far by pesky
demands at work (piffel!) and the odd spring snow (yep, its snowing now!).
Why just yesterday I was a-putterin' on the old dear, installing the dash
switch. I propose to press on and do the deed this coming Friday!
But... I need your help. Specifically, I need the help of someone out
there with an early B, equipped with an OD tranny. If you are so lucky as
to own such a car, pray, read on!
I need to know where the various electric bits mount in the engine
compartment. There is a relay, a vacuum switch, and at least one other
doo-hickey whose name I've forgotten but is in my box of bits and is on the
electrical diagram of my Haynes manual. Sorry for the lack of
professionalism, but what the heck, if we talk about 1100s on this list we
might as well talk of doo-hickeys (they're about the same, afterall).
Anyway, if you own a car so-equipped, please go out to the garage, note the
location of these items and post the news to me.
I thank you.
Will Zehring,
who has the highest regard for the MG 1100, and all owners thereof.