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Re: Silverstone

Subject: Re: Silverstone
From: (Patrick Young)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 09:56:34 +1000 (EST)
>Anyone on the list thats been to Silverstone, could you tell me what to
>expect, does it really start on Friday for instance, must one get to the
>venue early, things like that...
>many Tnx
I believe qualifying does start on Friday this year (I presume we're talking
Coys Festival here).

Weather-wise, note that Silverstone can be hot - it's an airfield and when
the sun shines shade can be difficult to find (although there are many
covered stands). Equally, it's Britain and it has rained at the same time of
the year so you need the usual collection of winter / summer wardrobe with=

Overall, there are usually quite good crowds (app. 30,000) and especially on
Sunday expect queues to be found from about 9.30 - 10 a.m. However, you
shouldn't be overly delayed.

Coys weekend Silverstone is generally quite relaxed in atmosphere and
spectators can access the paddock etc. (unlike the hostile atmosphere of
officiousness which sadly pervades the GP a few weeks earlier).

Oh, and make sure you buy a catalogue and go to the auction at the circuit
on Saturday night - it's a packed frenzy usually (don't expect to get a
seat!) but it's interesting to see and a catalogue is usually about =A320-=

Specific questions welcome - have fun!

Best wishes,

Patrick Young

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