Having read all about fuel stabilizers, fuelMasters & Fuelstars
(what imaginative names they come up with!) I wondered if any of you
guys had heard of the Stromberg or Sparkrite spark spreader?
It basically spreads out the spark making it fatter.
Manufacturers claim improved MPG, leaner burn etc.
We don't have smog laws (not even a visual check on my 56 MGA) but
we do have very high petrol tax!
I read an article in Safety Fast (March) by in independant but not
official tester which claimed an improvement of about 3 MPG.
I have one of these and noticed less misfiring on throttle up and
perhaps a little more poke. Combined with a Kenlow fan I get about
3-4 more MPG.
I can testify that with a colourtune plug in you can see the multiple
They are about 20 quid here at car shows. They have a curious rattle
when you shake them. Presumably some sort of oscilator!
Any opinions?
/Steve Guildford UK.