>I pulled my MGB out of the garage to wash it today (the first good wash of
>the season) and I noticed that it is starting to rust in places MG's tend to
>rust in...
>The rust seems to be most prevelant in the seam on the running board (is
>that the correct term) near the back of the door. The rust looks like it
>has only speard out about 1/8" at most in spots, but who knows what lies
>beneath. Also, along the bottom of the fenders (where it is connected to
>the body) I see a small amount of rust with the paint flaking off. Could I
>speard some sort of oil based product on the bottom of the car where it is
>rusting and stop the rust from speading, or is it once it starts nothing can
>be done?
Greetings Ross and my apologies for being the bearer of bad news.
In my experience if your rocker panels (not running boards) are showing rust
at the sill seam and were they go beneath the fenders chances are they're
completely shot. More bad news. Replacement involves cutting off the
bottom of the fenders and removal of all three rocker panel /sill
components. These are MAJOR body parts and are absolutley crucial to a safe
and secure car. The good news is it's not a terribly expensive repair ( $300
-$400 per side + paint).
Good luck and welcome to the club!
___ \______ Ross MacPherson
/ __ \ __ / /------|) arm@unix.infoserve.net
/ (___)---------/ (___) 1947 MG-TC 3528
1966 MGB-GT