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Re: Canned Spray Paint

To: (Robert J. Donahue)
Subject: Re: Canned Spray Paint
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 11:30:19 PST
>>>Robert J. Donahue said:
  > On a totally unrelated matter, is it possible to attach pictures to these
 > e-mails (like jpegs)?

Well, yes, but... there are various standards not everyone implements.  The 
closest thing to a universal standard would be MIME, but various 
implementations interoperate in, um, not entirely predictable ways.

 >  It may not be appropriate to post something that  big on the mailing
 > list.

My feeling too.  I recommend dumping the image on the ftp site and 
mentioning it here; I've done that once or twice and it seems to work.
If someone cannot access the FTP site and still wants the image, one can send 
it to them privately.


Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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