At Fri, 26 Jan 96 08:33:03 EST, Mark A. Dodd, WL/ELOD, X55581/64158
> The Lumenition system does have a lifetime warranty. And that applies
> even if the car is raced! I still have my hopes....
...and if it breaks, you've probably got to wait for the unit to come over on a
slow boat from Jollye Olde Englande. I've got no problem twiddling with a
custom bracket for the Crane unit, and the FedEx replacement concept sells me.
I also know that if I hate the kit I can sell it to ppl with any kind of car.
The Lumenition would not offer the resale potential if I decided to go back to
points. I'm on a bit of a budget.
FWIW, I'm sold on the Crane unit (uncle uses one in his Civic 1200 autocrosser
and in his AMC hornet... with much success). I'll be ordering one as soon as I
find out what my headwork is going to cost.
: Matt Liggett <> :
: :
: Bloomington, IN, USA | '70 MG Midget & '74 Ford Bronco Ranger :