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Web interface, new list

Subject: Web interface, new list
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 1996 12:42:32 -0700
I've now added all Team.Net lists to the list-web gateway page, so you
can browse old mail, send majordomo commands and such for all lists from
the URL by clicking on the LWGate link
found there.

Also, I set up a new list, the info file for it is below.  If it actually
turns out to be useful and busy, I'll set up digest mode for it as well.

---- -

This mailing list is for the dicussion of just about anything to do
with tools, techniques, garages and such for working on our favorite toys,
whether old trucks, show-quality MG Midgets, autocrossing Allards or

The topics of discussion are intended to be along the lines of

  "What sort of pipes should I use when plumbing my shop for air?"

  "Where can I get a left-handed Whitworth Crescent Wrench?"

  "What should I use to paint my garage floor?"

  "I want to build a parts washer, what do I do?"

  "Will one of those 12 volt mini-compressors run my sandblaster?"


Some guidelines for submissions:

Basically, just be courteous, as concise as possible and employ common
sense.  Be careful when you are replying to a message, check to make sure
it is going to either the original sender, or to

Given the current state of technology it is not improbable that one of those
links will exhibit some sort of problem.  When you post a message, you may get
back error messages.  These errors usually go to the list owner and you never
see them, but there are many copies of mailers out there that shouldn't be
allowed anywhere near a real network.  You can forward the error to the
list owner, if it seems like something that
needs to be dealt with, rather than a transient failure.

If you do get an error back, this DOES NOT mean you need to resend your post.
What it does mean is that everybody got it except for maybe one or two folks.
Don't repost things unless you are absolutely, positively sure it did not
reach anyone on the list.

This list is run by a majordomo server, and has restricted posting rights.
This means that only those folks who are subscribed can submit messages.
This may cause problems for some folks, who might have subscribed to the
list as, but whose mail header says it is
from  If you post things that just never
seem to show up, send mail to describing the

Remember that not everyone has the latest and greatest technology at
their fingertips.  Keep your text limited to lines less than 80 characters
long.  Just because it looks okay on your PC screen doesn't mean it really
goes out to the world that way.  Don't think that just because you have all
sorts of neat display stuff and whizbang text tools that everyone else does.
Use simple ASCII text.


To get on or off the list, send your request to:

with the command

  subscribe shop-talk


  unsubscribe shop-talk

on the first line of the message. (your email address is optional 
and subject doesn't matter). To find out more about the mailserver
or other lists, send the command


as the body of the message to

More stuff! 
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