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RE: electrical problems.

To:, "Roland Bolian" <rbolian@Synopsys.COM>
Subject: RE: electrical problems.
From: "Lou Nevins" <>
Date: 2 Jan 1996 13:54:45 U

They have ganged up on you...
I'm assuming that the instruments in question, don't include the speedometer.
In that case, there is a "voltage stabilizer" (regulator) that supplies a
voltage standard to the instruments.  I'd guess that it or possibly a
connection to it has gone bad. I found my problem at the fuse ;box. Clean it
all up to correct bad connection. Instruments work of of the second fuse up
from the bottom.

From: Roland Bolian on Tue, Jan 2, 1996 12:50 PM
Subject: electrical problems.

Hello All,
        Last week I sent out a cry for help concerning my electrical system
on my '76 Midget. Well, upon further inspection yesterday while taking my
reverse light lenses off for cleaning I discovered two "uncharted bodies of
water" accumulated in each of my taillight assemblies. After thoughroughly
cleaning the contacts, (which had algae growing on them), and allowing the
fixtures to dry out, everything seems to be back on track- as far as my
tail, brake, rear marker, and reverse lights go anyway. My Tachometer, and
fuel gauges are still out. Any further suggestions would be much
appeciated!! Little by little!!
Roland J. Bolian III

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