Lean out your mixture, raise the idle rpm a little and retard your spart to
burn off hydrocarbons and you'll be fine...
Chris Reichle
From: mgs-owner
To: mgs
Subject: Air pump
Date: Thursday,December 28,1995 3:16PM
I remember a recent thread started by someone looking for an air pump. I
slowly restoring my recently purchased 74 Midget, and I have noticed that
PO removed the air pump. Living our here in rural North Carolina, and
considering the prevailing spectrum of personal transportation in this area,
suspect that I may still pass inspection. Does anyone out there have direct
experience to comment on this, and will it affect the performance of my car
any way to drive without the air pump? VB advertise an air pump for close
$300! I am very much in favour of protecting our environment but would hate
have to shell out this cash for a sunday driver that would probably pass the
emissions test anyway. Advice would be appreciated.