I agree wrt the comments about overreaction to the 17 year old's
comments. Perhaps the guy did fly off the handle a bit but I think the
main point was that we shouldn't turn people off to these fun cars by
telling them about the work we do on them. Of course when someone asks
you about your car and you've just successfully rebuilt your engine or
carbs or whatever you may be proud of your accomplishment and that's
what's on your mind and you tell them about it. What's fun and
interesting to us may be intimidating to someone else. They don't think
"wow, that's cool that you can actually _fix_ your car; I could never do
that on my Accura". They think "that's a [compliment] car but you have
to work on it all the time". Not seeing the whole picture because they
haven't had the experience (or pleasure). So it's up to us to think
about what we tell people who are interested enough to ask us about our
cars. Of course if we get them too interested in them they'll drive up
the prices like they did with Harleys. :0 I'll have one eventually but
for now the MGA is all I could afford. I can see keeping it forever,
though. And the bikes that could be had a few years ago for $4000 are
now in TC territory pricewise. Oh well. Remember what these cars are
for: driving and enjoying. Everyone who can, drive and enjoy (or like
me, work and enjoy) and have a happy new year.
Kevin Sullivan -- 1960 MGA
Nichols Research Corp.
Shalimar FL USA