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Re: Classic Cars/Classic Computers/ Paint Bubbling

Subject: Re: Classic Cars/Classic Computers/ Paint Bubbling
From: (Michael MacLeod)
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 08:15:29 -0800
        I'd offer my 12+ year old Mac up for offers, but every time I buy a
new Mac (4 now in my office, and all networked for free), I keep finding
another use for it.  I'm sure glad I'm not smart like the guys who know
something about computers.  I've always found that Mac folks have more
important things to do with their computers than work on them.  We work
_with_ them, just like we work with our other tools.
        As I re-read this I see that I sound like an elitist snob, oh
well...I'm probably just being over-sensitive... and an elitist snob.

        This thread has been entertaining but only in the  wildest fantasy
of a hashish eater could it linked in any way to MG talk.
        In order to justify the use of bandwidth I should ask an MG
question.  Since I bought my MGA in 1970, ther has been a bubbling under
the paint at the lower edge of the boot lid skin (the aluminium).  It has
been repainted over the last 20+ years several times (the last 5 years ago)
but always the "oxidation??" causes the bubbling.  The last time it was
treated with special aluminium primers and treatments.  If I must purchase
a new boot lit and paint to match I will, but does anyone have any

Mike MacLeod, Calgary, Alberta   (where the deer and the antelope freeze)
'68 BSA Spitfire                        60' MGA               '63 Jag Mark 10
'83 BMW R100 RS

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