Denise (aka, always charming and witty) and fellow fiends:
Ray Gibbons writes:
>In a discussion of how to fix the speedo error after installing an OD,
>our friend Denise Thorpe wrote:
>> My advice is to get tires the size that will make the speedo accurate.
>Uh, Denise, are you pulling our collective legs?
I don't care what Ray Gibbons says, Denise. I thought your tire suggestion
was an excellent one. I plan on using the idea if I can ever get this
curssed OD box into my car. Will Mini rims fit on the MGB lug pattern? If
there's one thing I can't stand its an inaccurate speedo.
Denise, you can pull my leg anytime you want (if that isn't too suggestive
for the net).
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
the ever vulgar,
Will "I prefer to watch my water temp. gauge anyway" Zehring