>It is my understanding that if a *hybrid* is presented to be smogged,
>the most current age item is the standard tested to. ie. You have a
>1950 MG with a 1980 CHEVY engine, the standard applicable to the 1980
>smog, is the one tested to. If you have the reverse, ie. a 1980 MG
>with a 1968 engine the 1980 standard is the one tested to. That info,
>I was told, came from the BAR *Bureau of Automotive Repair*, here in
>California. This would seem to make most sense, at least to me.
>Now, it's any ones guess if *all* smog centers adhere to this rule or
>not. YMMV etc.
It may make sense to you but if the car is titled as a '50 MG the DMV won't
ask for a smog cert either to transfer or register so why did the smog man
look under the hood to find the '80 engine in the first place?
Also, such a car would be classed as a 'hot rod' under the Cal Vehicle Code
and enjoys certain protections under the legislatively declared intent to
'protect California's rich automotive heritage.'
Ernest E. Gilbert