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Re: Coil position on MGBs

Subject: Re: Coil position on MGBs
From: (James Fischer)
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 16:33:57 -0500
>I've been working on a newly acquired '70 MGB/GT.  While undoing some of the
>previous owner's bad wiring I was replacing the coil.  This reminded me of
>something that has always bothered me.  Why is the coil mounted upside down
>on the inner fender well?  I've always replaced it that way, but it would be
>so much easier to identify the  + &  - terminals if it were positioned right
>side up.  Is there any specific rationale for mounting it upside down?  I
>know I've seen coils in general mounted in all kinds of positions so that
>really shouldn't effect it's function.   Right?

    Right.  But, downward prevents things from falling onto the terminals,
    and shorting things out.  A random wrench, a bit of wire, whatever.
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics says "Natural processes increase entropy".
Translation  - "You think you're in trouble now?  Just you wait..."

   james fischer             

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