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Tales of the MOWOG Mythos....

Subject: Tales of the MOWOG Mythos....
From: Jerome Keller <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 17:01:59 -0500
     Earlier, I responded to Mr. Bonds:
     >OK, OK, point taken..when you're rite, you're rite...however, I still 
     >want to know....
     >         (1) Does MOWOG stand for "MOrris-WOlseley Group"...or... >
     >             "MOrris-WOlseley-mG" ?? >
     >         (2) What IS a "stone", really ? >
     >     Pleeze, dew tell....
     >     Jerry Keller
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     and a "grateful" Paul Gallian wrote:
     >>Thank yew Jerrie:
     >>That was needed
     >>Paul Gallian
     What? What was needed? You lost me (very easily done). I was just 
     kidding with AB....probably taking myself too seriously, as 
     usual....but hey, what does this all have to do with the price of 
     My question WAS actually a serious one...and it remains unanswered:
     does "MOWOG" stand for:
              (a) MOrris-WOlseley Group ?    - or -
              (b) MOrris-WOlseley-mG ?       - or -
              (c) None of the above ? Something else entirely? WHAT???
     (Personally, I think it's (b))
     Now, having asked that for the LAST time (thenk gawd), here's a NEW 
     ...Namely....anyone doing anything interesting for Guy Fawkes Day?
     Jerry (not Jerrie) Keller
     16.42857 stone and dieting in NJ

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