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Re: Driving on the left?

Subject: Re: Driving on the left?
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 1995 12:33:20 EDT
David Simpson wrote :

>I heard that the reason the British drive on the left is left over from 
>horsey days, when one wanted one's sword arm available to present one's 
>trusty sword to opposite-direction highwaymen, blackguards,

Its not just which hand you hold your sword in but where you have a shield to
protect yourself, in the 'traditional' hollywood medieval joust the action all
occurs on the knight's left because the left arm sopports the shield. To
approach someone and pass to the right indicated you were not attaching them.

Also, try mounting a horse while wearing a sword.

Dave Brooke

          Date:     02-Oct-1995 12:25pm
          From:     Dave Brooke
          Tel No:   01923 664574
          Subject: Re: Driving on the left?

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