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RE: MG-TD Rear Axle Gear Ratio

To: "'smtp:'" <>
Subject: RE: MG-TD Rear Axle Gear Ratio
From: "Unger, Larry @ RES" <UNGERL@Reston.UnisysGSG.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 95 11:40:00 EDT
 ->On September 25, 1995 8:54AM Lew Palmer wrote
 ->I hate to break it to you, but the standard ratio TD diff. is 5.125:1. 
 ->worse than you suspected.
Ouch ...

 ->You can put in a lower ratio gear set. The MGA used a 43/10 ratio and is a 

 ->popular conversion. Carl Cedarstrand wrote an extensive book on the 
 ->of conversion. It's available from Moss. It requires an MGA ring and 
 ->and flange.
Is the 'pumpkin' on the TD the same as on the A?  If so you could substitute 
used A/B pumpkin  (Moss Catalog Part #s for the A/B banjo rear parts are the
same) ... you may have to change the wheel gears to match the axle splines.

 -> It's not a difficult conversion, but takes a lot of fiddly
 ->effort in setting the thing up correctly. I've been planning on doing this 

 ->for years, but have never found the occasion to take the car off the road.
Thought that it took special tools to fit a new ring/pinion ....

Larry Unger ------>

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