-- [ From: Frank Ochal * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --
OCTOBER 13 - 14, 1995
Memphis, Tennessee U. S. A.
in conjunction with the 12th Annual British Car Fest sponsored by the
British Sports Car Club, Ltd.
the home of the blues and the Graceland Mansion of Elvis Presley
Don't Miss It!!
Contact: The AMERICAN MGB ASSOCIATION at 1-800-723-MGMG or P. O. Box
11401, Chicago, IL 60611 to be placed on the mailing list for
registration information.
Headquarter's hotel: Wilson World Hotel, 2000 Cherry Rd., Memphis,
TN; Ph.:1-800-872-8366 or (901) 366-0000; mention the British Car Fest
for the rate of $59.95/ night. Alternate hotel: Wilson Inn, Ph.:(901)
366-9300; mention the British Car Fest for rate of $50.95/night.
Friday, October 13: Driving event; hospitality suite at Wilson
World Hotel.
Saturday, October 14: Judged car show (the AMGBA will conduct a
separate popular vote).
Car registration: $30 for the first car; $10 for the second; free for
any additional. AMGBA awards will be by popular vote in four classes:
Chrome bumper MGB, Rubber bumper MGB, MGB-GT and Midget. Awards
at the Wilson World Hotel will follow show on Saturday.
The American MGB Association (AMGBA) was established in 1975 and has
provided continuous services to owners of MGBs, MGB-GTs and Midgets
throughout North America since then. National conventions have been
held annually since 1978 from New York to California and Texas to
Membership in the AMGBA is not required to attend the convention but it
is encouraged. For membership info call 1-800-723-MGMG or write to:
AMGBA, P. O. Box 11401, Chicago, IL 60611 USA
Membership is $25 per year or $35 per year outside the USA