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Re: Fuel gague problem

Subject: Re: Fuel gague problem
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 1995 07:51:30 -0400
Richard Blythe wrote:

The fuel gague in my 1970 MG GT won't go! It begins to register when the
car is first started each day but then fades off to nothing. I've replaced
the gague and the new one does exactly the same thing. The PO says he
replaced the sending unit so what else could it be?

I would be suspicious of the instrument voltage stabilizer [Brit Vicky part
#2-903]. (Behind the dash, probably mounted on the firewall) Do any of the
other instruments act eratically?  The other thing to check would be the
ground at the gague and at the sender.  A poor ground will cause problems
with these units.
Bill Mills
70 BGT

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