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Moss speaks

Subject: Moss speaks
From: "Joel Farber" <joelf@VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 95 14:43:09 PDT
LOTUS FESTIVAL '95 UPDATE*******************************************

---   STIRLING MOSS ---  to speak at Lotus Festival in Monterey

STIRLING MOSS has signed a contract to be our Saturday Banquet
dinner speaker. Because of Moss, we are expecting non-Lotus
convention dinner guests. Therefore we have decided to allow Sat. Banquet
ticket sales to non-festival guests, at $85 per guest. The price for Lotus
Festival participants is unchanged --$75 as shown in the form below.

We are expecting all the Monterey Historic Race participants(racers),
and celebrities at the Friday night dinner --- HMSA and Chrysler
are sponsoring that dinner--- all the dignitaries will be there.

Note that the TIME IS SHORT TO SIGN UP for the Festival. There will
be NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION ---- all is being done by mail in advance.

Lotus Festival '95 Registration Form
August 18, 19 & 20, 1995 - Laguna Seca Raceway, Monterey, California USA
Golden Gate Lotus Club, 775 Paul Avenue, Palo Alto, California USA 94306
Information: Ph/Fax (510)232-7764  Ph: (415)424-0333  Fax: (415)852-9778
For Official Use Only
Ent #_______ Date_______ CK#__________ Amt______ Reg____ RD____ SB____ Tkt____
FESTIVAL REGISTRATION - Festival Entry Fee: $40.00 per person
 (Basic Festival registration - please print or type)
 Name #1____________________________________ Club_____________________________
 City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________________
 Phone (Day) (____)__________ (Evening) (____)__________ (Fax) (___)__________
 Name #2______________________________________________________________________
 City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________________
 Phone (Day) (____)___________________ (Evening) (____)_______________________
 Guest #1_____________________________ Guest #2 ______________________________
 Lotus Cars Participating:  Year_______ Type____________ Model________________

 TOTAL FESTIVAL ENTRY (incl: Shirt,               QTY: _____ x $40.00 =
 Program, Photo, Concours & more)                              TOTAL: $_______
LOTUS FESTIVAL '95 - Dinner By The Bay
 Friday, August 18, 1995 - Monterey Bay Aquarium
 $55.00 per person                                QTY: _____ x $55.00 =
 Must be registered for the Festival                           TOTAL: $_______
LOTUS FESTIVAL '95 - Lotus Banquet & Evening
 Saturday, August 19, 1995 - Monterey Hyatt Hotel
 $75.00 per person                                QTY: _____ x $75.00 =
 Must be registered for the Festival                           TOTAL: $_______
LOTUS FESTIVAL '95 - Lotus Bar-B-Que Lunch
 Sunday, August 20, 1995 - Laguna Seca Raceway
 $30.00 per person                                QTY: _____ x $30.00 =
 Must be registered for the Festival                           TOTAL: $_______
Monterey Historic Car Races Tickets
 Friday through Sunday, August 18-20, 1995 - Laguna Seca Raceway
 Lotus Corral Pass with Festival Ticket Purchase
 Children under 12 free. Tickets available at the gate, cash only)
 1 Day $30.00  Qty:____
 2 Day $50.00  Qty:____
 3 Day $75.00  Qty:____                                        TOTAL: $_______
Lotus Festival '95 Souvenir Shirts
 Each Festival Entry includes a souvenir shirt.
 Indicate size (S,M,L,XL,XXL).
 Entry #1 ___ Entry #2 ____ Guest #1____ Guest #2 ____

 Additional souvenir shirts are $20.00 each.  Please order in advance.
 S____ M____ L____ XL____ XXL____ (indicate quantity)          TOTAL: $_______
 Full ENTRY FEE payment must accompany this completed form.
  Make checks Payable to:  Golden Gate Lotus Club
  Return Entry To:         775 Paul Avenue
                           Palo Alto, CA 94306        TOTAL ENCLOSED: $_______
Deadline: July 20, 1995  After July 20, 1995 ADD 50% Late Charge
          No entries after August 10, 1995


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