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Computer on board

Subject: Computer on board
Date: 29 JUN 95 12:11
>I can see it now--the front panel of the engine control computer has a
 line of spst switches (in groups of 3, extra credit for being under 50 and
 knowing why the switches are in groups of 3).  The switches are made by
 Lucas, and tend to flicker when on and short when off, making programming
<somewhat hit or miss...

  Octal codes, of course!  Actually, I think it should be loaded via
paper tape with the reader mounted on a TTY.  Thus we can aspire to an
end worthy of Isadora Duncan, as the paper tape wraps around your neck,
and then the wheel as you speed down the highway feeding in ignition
advance curves!

  Or we could mount a 'Rad' on the engine and drive it off of the crank...

  Perhaps a UNIVAC would be more appropriate to my '57 MGA. They were
water-cooled, after all!  "How many valves? Oh, several thousand, but some
tend to burn out every time she fires up!"
  (American: 'tubes', British: 'valves')

*Philippe Tusler - Newport Beach, CA     | "MILOU"    '57 MGA Roadster *
*A-Mail:   <TUSLER@MP050>                | "TINTIN"   '66 MG/MGB-GT    *
*InterNet: | "N/A"      '88 ISUZU Trooper*

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