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Re: Water Wetter Side Gapping SplitFire PTFE Additives etc...

Subject: Re: Water Wetter Side Gapping SplitFire PTFE Additives etc...
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 00:40:01 -0400
Andy Ramm asks for any personal experiences with Water Wetter, Splitfire
Plugs, Bosch Platinum Plugs, PTFE (the active ingredient in Slick 50 and
other similar coatings), and side-gapping one's sparking plugs.

I've used Redline's Water Wetter with good effect for 2 years now in my 1970
E-Prepared MGB. It won't make an overheating motor run cool al by itself, but
given a properlu maintained cooling system, it will reduce coolant tempsas
advertised. I have also used Slick 50 for a couple of years, and all I can
say is, "Who knows?" As for Splitfire Plugs, they do offer better performance
in my opinion (I use one heat range hotter than stock for my B). The
consensus that I've heard on Platinum plugs is that they run too cool for
optimum combustion. I don't know about side gapping, but one other trick I
can vouch for is indexing your spark plugs, which involves adding spacers so
you can align the "open" side of the electrodes with your intake valves, to
provide more complete combustion. A small refinement, but every bit helps. 
Paul Zink
Boston, MA
1970 SCCA  E-Prepared MGB

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