>Hello All..
>I have recently purchased a 72 MGB/GT, and live in Vancouver, WA.
>I am looking for a club in the Portland, OR and/or Vancouver, WA area, and
>also, I am looking for any information about local MG parts stores and
>Any information would be greatly appreciated!
You will find details of Canadian (and other countries) clubs at
http://www.mgcars.org.uk. Don't forget to register your car on the Owner's
Mike Plumstead
I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e r s L i m i t e d
DMR House, 8-10 Cleave Avenue, Farnborough, Kent BR6 6DG
Tel: 01689 860000 Fax: 01689 860330 Email: mxp@ipl.co.uk
www: http://www.ipl.co.uk