In case anyone is following this thread, I received a number of fine tips
from the newsgroup. I finally solved the dilemma as follows:
1-With ign. and flasher switch on I checked the grn wire on flasher(under
where glove box would be if 68 had glovebox). It was dead.
2-I checked for power on the fused side of the fuse box where the grn wires
connect. It was dead.
3-I checked the prefuse side of the box. It was live.
4-I checked the fuse, which looked fine. I replaced it anyway.
5-Rechecked the fused side (grn wires). Now live, but no power to the flasher!!
6-Ran a new wire from fused side to flasher. BINGO! power and flashers work.
Spoke with local MG mechanic who said he's seen a number of those wires
(fuse box to flasher) go bad. No idea why. Anyone else had this
Ira Weiner
Marlboro, Vermont
'68 MGB