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New MG

To: MGS <>
Subject: New MG
From: "Palmer, Lew (UCI)" <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 95 08:09:00 PDT
To: Deborah Buckle <>

Congratulations on the new MG!

However, let's set the record straight on SU carbs. Once the carbs are
properly set up and adjusted. They should not need further tweaking. Most of 

that fairy tale comes from people who do not understand the principle of SUs 

and who have nothing better to do. As a consequence, they spend their every
waking minute fixing things that aren't broken.

I restored my 1932 J2 12 years ago and I have never touched the carbs since. 

The same goes for my other MGs. As long as they are in good condition, LEAVE 


My best advice is:

1) join the local MG club. If there isn't one locally, you should at least
join the NAMGBR (North American MG B Register). A quick message on the net
should find the right contact.

2) Find a local mechanic, who specializes in British cars and MGs in
particular, whom you can trust. Ask around in the club (see recommendation
#1). Have them check out the car. If you are interested in doing the work
yourself, that's great. Just have them tell you what needs attention first.
Then go buy the appropriate books and have at it.

3) Call one of the specialist parts dealers and ask for their catalog and
price list. Try Moss Motors in Goleta, CA and Victoria British in Lenexa,

4) Enjoy!

Lew Palmer
1932 J2
1950 TD
1959 MGA

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