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Re: Tubes and Tires

Subject: Re: Tubes and Tires
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 15:39:22 -0600 (MDT)
]From:  NETMAIL::""  "David M Culgan" 12-MAY-1995 
]To:    NETMAIL::""
]Subj:  Tubes and Tires
]I thought that there was a difference with "tube" type tires. And that the 
]differnece was that the inside of the sidewalls were smooth, no ribs or 
]that might wear against the tube. I've been using Michelin XZX's and they have 
]several "ribs" around the inside of the tire. I have noticed some extra wear 
]my tubes in this area and have had leaks. Does anyone else have a problem with 
]this? Are there current brands available that are smooth on the inside? 

        Dave after several well informed comments on this list, and 
concurrent discussions with tire shops here, it seems that tubeless 
tires, with tubes made for tubeless tires (!!!) are the way to go.  
I'm still thinking this over, but will wait to see if there are any 
further comments.

]I'm about to shop for some new tires. I had thought I had to use 165 width, 
]but they're a little tough to find. Are most folks using 175 (or wider) 
]without any clearence or suspension problems?

        This question is a little easier.  Yes, the original specs 
were 165, but I'm being advised to go to  even 185 for better 
handling.  The number we are talking about is the width, so at your 
supplier you can check this out before purchasde and install.

]Dave Culgan
]'66 MGB

Y. H. ("Hy") Freedman - Instructor, Computer Science and Information 
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