On Sat, 6 May 1995, Marc Steinberg wrote:
> I once had a similar problem with a '76 B's turn signals. My local
> witch-doctor turned MG wizard explained that for some reason known only
> to Lucas, the turn signals are wired ONLY _through_ the hazard switch.
> The hazard switches are especially susceptible to corrosion and
> what not, and when they go bad, so do the turn signals. Replace your
> hazard switch and you should be on your way!
> Another solution is to pick up an early B -- they have better electrics
> all around, IMHO. Hope this helps!
> -- Marc
> GHN3/8214
This is not just a lucas problem it is common to a lot of cars. The
biggest problems come from cars that have the hazard switch mounted on
the consel, owner sets a drink on consel-goes aroud corner-spills drink-
no more turn signals!!
John wheres my spellchecker Luthy