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Peter Egan

Subject: Peter Egan
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 08:17:48 +0500
Fellow fiends:

Does anyone out there in have even a generic Road & Track address 
that I can use to write to Peter Egan?  I suppose a home address is a well 
kept secret.  What I have in mind is really not much more than fan mail, but 
I would like to drop him a short letter of appreciation etc.  I don't 
currently subscribe to R&T and would appreciate any advice/info that someone 
can provide.

Thanks in advance,
Will Zehring

"Don't call me 'Slim.'  I'm a little to skinny to take it kindly."   Lauren 
Bacall (sp?) in "To Have and To Have Not"

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