I have a MGB GT 1972.
Anybody out there knowing anything about why and when the rear anti-roll bar
should be fitted (I am using the car for normal road only)?
Is there anybody out here from scandinavia?
Pirelli in the seats?
We are changing to leather seats and have found a adjustable rubber ballon
for use in the back of the seats. We are just installing it and I will
report later about the results.
Robert J.S. Tryzell
Analytisk kemi Dept. of Analytical Chemistry
Stockholms universitet Stockholm university
106 91 Stockholm S-106 91 Stockholm
Tel: Arb.08 - 162436 Phone: + 46 8 162436
Hem 08 - 865495 Home: + 46 8 865495
Fax: 08 - 156391 Fax: + 46 8 156391
e-mail: rtryzell@anchem.su.se