Just checked the big-end and mains shells on my factory V8. All just within
the upper limit for clearance, and standard sizes. Big end journals are
perfect, shells showing little wear, mains a little more marked for some
reason. All pretty good for 200k plus. However the manual states the rib on
the big-end caps should be on the same side as the pip on the con-rods. Fair
enough, but I found all mine at the back, which seemed unlikely. Then I
noticed the shells were offset in the caps, and this is to clear the radii at
each side of the journal, the two shells should be offset towards each other,
which mine weren't. Elsewhere in the manual it states that the con-rod pips
must face forwards on the right bank and backwards on the left bank, so
whoever rebuilt the engine after the rebore some 100k ago made a major error.
Looking up inside the bores I can see the little-end is positioned mid-way
along the wrist-pin on the left bank, but is biased to one side on the right
(see attached). Since the shells are still just within tolerance and it is
done 100k like it (75k in my ownership) it doesn't seem to be causing any
major problems. I've reassembled it as it, at least I know now what size
shells to order when I do decide to rebuild the bottom end.
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