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Re: Ignition and sparks

To: "paul" <>,,
Subject: Re: Ignition and sparks
From: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 13:15:57 -0800
In-reply-to: <>
References: <> <>
Reply-to: Barrie Robinson <>

Very interesting! Seems all this ignition stuff is cloaked in smoke and mirrors! I am still not sure about this match or flaming torch bit. It is like dynamite which I used to play with way back when. In order for it to go off BANG - you needed a 'cap'. It really did not care if you had a dirty big cap or a small one - it went BANG all the same.

I also would like to know what technology Nology used for its special capacitor. It seems it can do things above and beyond just storing energy?

I agree with the multiple spark thing - it really does not make sense to even try to have more than one spark. One big one should do the trick.

At 12:37 PM 1/28/2006, paul wrote:
Found this>

Most people are not aware that there is no multi-spark at higher engine rpm.
There just isn't any time for multiple sparks. So what are multi-spark
ignition systems good for? Maybe it's just a sales gimmick! If the first
spark is powerful enough to initiate combustion, multiple sparks are not
necessary. By the way, if a multi-spark ignition system generates 6 sparks,
which one of the sparks would you want to be the one to ignite the mixture?
# 2 or # 4 or maybe # 1?

A spark, is a spark, is a spark, isn't it?
No. The hotter the spark the easier ignition occurs and the sooner
combustion is completed. A spark made by a flint, the spark of a ignition
system, a lightning bolt, a spark is a spark is a spark? You decide! A
match, a blow torch or a napalm bomb. What will completely burn, (ignite), a
one acre parcel of forest quicker?

Paul Morgan Monifieth Scotland


Barrie Robinson
(705) 721-9060
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