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RE: Polishing

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Polishing
From: "Susan and Jack Brooks" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 20:37:13 -0800
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: "Susan and Jack Brooks" <>
I spent hours and hours polishing the engine side covers on my 1974 Norton
Commando, while watching TV, etc.  They came from the factory polished, but
with no attention from the previous owner, had oxidized over the years.  

Do your research, don't scrimp on materials and be prepared to invest some


> I have aluminium water cooled/heated intake manifolds of a 
> non-MGB vehicle 
> and I want to polish them up to match the rest of theengine.  
> I got a quote 
> for then from a polishing place - a mere $450 !   So I intend 
> to do it 
> myself. Anyone got advice on this?  I had thought of just 
> rubbing the rough 
> off (sand cast) with sandpaper ?? hand drill with buffing 
> wheel & grit ???

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