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Cured a problem.

To: mgb-v8 <>
Subject: Cured a problem.
From: "T. S. White" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 05:54:34 -0700
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I have had a problem with running hot, not overheating for some time, Ford 302 in a TR3A. When I got the new engine in a year ago I had problems getting the temp down and the headers where turning red hot. Also, my liquid filled fuel preasure guage would not function right when hot. I changed the fuel preasure guage to a non liquid filled and adjusted my fuel preasure correctly and that made a huge improvement in the way the engine ran. However, it still ran at a higher temp.

This weekend I changed jets in my Holley 600 by one size. The engine immediately improved. It relaxed. The operating temp came down ten degrees.
Best Regards,

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