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Subject: Porting
From: "James J." <>
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2005 21:39:45 -0400
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Reply-to: "James J." <>
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I'm lucky to have an excellent machinist, who is a retired engine builder for a Busch series team, and now runs the engine lab for University of Maryland in the upstairs of his shop. He has wet and dry flow benches, ultrasonic gear and precision cam profiling gear, and most importantly, the incliniation to teach and share.
A few nuggets he passed to me were:
1) Mirror polishing the intake reduces turbulence, but allows for fuel puddling (even with EFI, but not so critical with direct shot heads, like the LS1 and LS6)
2) Having a little step-up along the bottom of the port between the intake manifold and head also creates a little shear turbulence which helps keep fuel in suspension
3) If your shop has modern precision valve and seat grinding equipment, never lap the valves, as the abrasive paste will never completely go away, and will ultimately destroy the seal. His gear can cut valves and seats surfaces to tighter tolerances than exists between the valve stem and valve guide, so valve wobble is the limiting factor.

Even though I had him street-port my aluminum 300 heads, it would have been too expensive to take it to the max with ultrasonic thickness checking and flow-benching. Since there is almost no published data on the internal dimensions of the 300 heads (unlike Chevy and Ford heads) he had to be very concervative.

My next step with him is deciding the optimal ram length for the Rover EFI pseudo-individual runners in a sports-car application (stock Rover length is for low-end SUV torque)


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