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Re: Silly questions

Subject: Re: Silly questions
From: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 22 May 2005 11:14:48 -0700
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
Reply-to: Barrie Robinson <>

I got 2" by 14" chromed filter from my local performance shop.  It had no 
makings on it (I took it off a display engine).  It fitted my Edelbrock but 
was too high.  Ground down the lip which took it down quite a bit.  When I 
asked the maker the shop said "Dunno, could be Mr Gasket, our own brand, or 
someone  else - they are all the same". (Hmmmm?).   One important 
point!  If you have fitted a choke make sure it clears - I actually used 
the top from another filter as it was not dished in - thus hitting the 
choke butterfly

At 07:20 AM 5/22/2005, wrote:
>Hi Guys,
>I hate asking this group silly questions, but I've run into a dead end
>searching for a new air filter.
>I have a Carter 500 carburetor and the chrome air cleaner that fits on top
>of it.  When I put it together, I bought what I wrote down in my notes was  a
>Mr. Gasket 1480A Air Filter.  Also right next to that number, I've  written
>NAPA 7445.  Neither number means anything to any of the car parts  places 
>called, and I've taken my air filter in to several custom and normal  auto 
>stores and have not found a match.
>It's 2" tall and 14" in diameter.  Any idea here / how I might find a  new
>one ?
>Also, I've just put Rover rocker covers on my Rover 3.5 L engine.   Toward
>the front of the cover are a couple of little threaded holes that 
>I've  filled
>with a 10-24 bolt.  What I'm looking for is the little spark plug  wire 
>piece that goes in that spot.  The Vicky Brit catalog for TR8  doesn't show
>it.  Anybody know where I can get those?  I'll start  calling used parts 
>and try to find a set off of a wrecked Land/Range  Rover or Discovery.
>Safety Faster......with a V8,


Barrie Robinson
(705) 721-9060 

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