There are some good pictures of the outer ends in Clausager, that should
help you determine how the inner ends go. They can really only go on one
way, two screws secure it to the inner door skin, two to the back of the
finisher. There is a 'shelf' sticking out at a right-angle above the two
that secure it to the door, and that is the case for the inner end as well.
The 'shelf' on the inner ones ends up underneath the screen to 1/4-light
----- Original Message -----
To: "mgs" <>; "mgb-v8" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 12:13 AM
Subject: door finishers
> ... I bought new 'door finishers' - chrome plated things that should cap
the ends of the door topping strips. Does anyone know where I can see a
diagram or picture that shows how these things fit on? I've turned and
twisted them in every conceivable way and can't figure it out.
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