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Re: Need a couple parts

Subject: Re: Need a couple parts
From: "James J." <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 19:23:33 -0400
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Reply-to: "James J." <>
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If the oil is coming out of the dip-stick tube, you probably have another problem. It sounds like one of your breather tubes or valves is plugged up. There shouldn't be enough pressure in the crank case to blow oil out the dipstick tube. Rovers are infamous for gunking up breather hoses.
James J. wrote:


Where are all my catalogs when I need them. I know I've had a TR8 Vicky Brit and Roadster Factory catalog in the past, but none to be found now.

My 75 MGB V8 (TR8 engine / trans) is starting to show it's age - 5 glorious years driving it.
The head broke off of my dip stick, so now I'm blowing oil out of the crankcase. Anybody have an expedient solution here. Duct tape is the short term solution. I've got a modified oil pan, so the stock TR8 one probably would be too long.

Also, the retaining bolt holding the shifter in place has vibrated loose and is missing. I looked on moss, vicky brit, lbcarco, and roadster factory web sites to try to find the part, but to no avail. If somebody has a Vicky Brit TR8 catalog and can look up the part number for me I would appreciate it. Better yet, if somebody knows what size bolt that is, I could just head to the local hardware store and get another one.

Safety Faster.....with a V8,

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