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Swapping to an OD transmission.

To: <>
Subject: Swapping to an OD transmission.
From: "Larry list account" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 08:18:33 -0700
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: "Larry list account" <>
> i have a transmission w/ overdrive from a 73B.  would like to
> install in my 79B. other than swithching the drive shaft, are 
> they interchangeable?

You probably won't need to change the driveshaft.

The speedo will be an issue.

Your car uses a small diameter 1290 tpm speedo.  The transmission is
designed for a 1000 tpm speedo.

You will need to source a 1000 tpm small diameter speedo (rare), or change
the drive gear INSIDE the transmission to match your transmission.  If you
change the gear you MUST do this before you install the transmission.

You may need to build or source the wiring harness (three wires) you already
have the OD switch in your car.

Larry Hoy

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