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Importing an MGB-GT V8

Subject: Importing an MGB-GT V8
From: "AHCUSA Mail List Admin" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 17:43:24 -0400 (EDT)
Reply-to: "AHCUSA Mail List Admin" <>
Just joined the list and am hoping someone can help me with a couple of 
questions. I am considering the purchase of a 1974 MGB-GT V8 that is currently 
in England. Obviously it does not meet the various US regulations regarding 
emissions and safety that were in effect when it was made.

I understand that for vehicles 25 years or older, the US regulations no longer 
apply. I wonder if any list members have experience with importing a car from 
UK to the US.  Can you receommend a company that handles this?  (Or advise me 
of any who MIS-handle this.)

Also, are there any MGB-GT V8 gurus or just plain owners on this list? I would 
be interested in the pros and cons of this model, including some idea of an 
appropriate price for an example in generally very good condition. 

Thank you. 

Reid Trummel
Portland, Oregon

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