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What should I do with these headers?

To: <>
Subject: What should I do with these headers?
From: "Michael Hartwig" <>
Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 11:58:37 -0500
Reply-to: "Michael Hartwig" <>
I'm a little concerned about the headers I got for my B.

A. When you hold a straight edge against the flange, the clamping surfaces are
not level. Some are off as much as 1/16"

B. As you can see from pic 2. The 'ridge' is as narrow as 1/16" in some areas.
down to 1/32" on one port. I have a feeling that is going to be a perfect
place for blow by.

A neighbor said to leave that ridge alone, but i'm thinking of milling it down
flat with the rest of the flange.

I can either use a belt sander and take down 2 ports at a time, or go the time
consuming route and fly cut it with my milling machine.

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